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Jo Reads 'Once Upon a Garden - Sophie's Shell'

Here is my next story telling session. Today I am reading my book from the series 'Once Upon a Garden' called 'Sophie's Shell'. I hope you enjoy it! This one is especially good for little ones who feel a bit shy sometimes and has been recommended as a great story to read when a child is moving up from nursery to reception or even moving schools.


Sophie was always ponders big questions, like Why is the sky blue? Why are raindrops wet? and What are stars made of? But when Sophie starts school, there's a wobbly feeling in her tummy and she can't help popping back into her shell. She is left with one big question Why am I so shy? When Sophie meets Stanley, she realizes that she's not the only one who feels shy. Can she gain the confidence to help a new friend? A heart warming tale about a sensitive snail who overcomes her shyness with a little help from her new friends.


The illustrations are excellent - lots of bright pastel colours, plenty of variety in character and emotion, and some gentle humour. Who knew snails could be so cute?! This is a lovely story to explore with children 4 and up, and absolutely ideal if you have a child starting nursery" - Father Reading Every Day blog

I really liked the images in this book; they really suited the story and helped bring it to life, my daughter really enjoyed it and asked me to read it to her again after we finished the first read though so that is always a good sign! I liked the themes of the book and I thought that the author had done a great job with the story – it is 4 stars from me for this one!

Amazon customer ****

Once Upon A Garden - Sophie's Shell by Jo Rooks

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